Zimbabwe to cash in on Christmas visit to Victoria Falls by Hollywood couple

Zimbabwe to cash in on Christmas visit to Victoria Falls by Hollywood couple

Zimbabwe, which was dogged down in 2019 by the shortages of power, fuel and food, is sliding into 2020 on a positive note.

It has received a major boost with the Christmas visit to the Victoria Falls, its prime tourism resort, by Hollywood couple Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones.

Pictures of the couple and their two children, one with the Victoria Falls behind them, are being widely circulated especially in the social media.

The Zimbabwe Tourism Authority says it will cash in on the visit to dispel rumours that the Falls is dry as well as to tell the world that Zimbabwe, and the Victoria Falls in particular, remains a destination of choice.

ZTA spokesman Godfrey Koti told the Bulawayo daily, the Chronicle, that Douglas and Zeta-Jones are going to be Zimbabwe’s tourism ambassadors.

“As ZTA we are extremely excited that we get such calibre of visitors into the country as it can only mean that the destination is getting much confidence out there as a destination of choice,”  he said.

“Celebrities and mega stars have their requirements and if you see them preferring to go to a destination it means that it matches the standards that they expect and we are forever grateful to them for bringing their families here to spend time with us.

“They have vibes about Zimbabwe and the conversation I had with them they were promising to tell the world the Zimbabwe story…

“As you are aware, we have been facing a lot of bad press lately internationally as media chose to spin the climate story.

“We are making a statement through them that Victoria Falls is not dry and that we are a destination of choice and a must visit. Through them the world will view us differently from how we have been portrayed.”

Three weeks ago, United States publication Ozy said Utah tour operator Nicole Doherty, is working on offering tours to Victoria Falls through her firm, Western Leisure Tours.

She was in Zimbabwe recently and was impressed by the many direct connections to Victoria Falls airport to fly her guests.



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