Zimbabwe records one more coronavirus death, this time in Matebeleland South

Zimbabwe records one more coronavirus death, this time in Matebeleland South

Zimbabwe today recorded one coronavirus death in Matebeleland South, the first one outside Bulawayo this month, raising the death toll to 233.

So far five people have died this month, four of them in Bulawayo.

There were 28 new cases and nine recoveries which saw the number of active cases increase to 262 with 117 in Bulawayo and 40 in Harare.

The total number of cases to date now stands at 8 187 with 7 692 recoveries.

Globally there are now 40.9 million cases.

Six countries- the United States, India, Brazil, Russia, Spain and Argentina- have more than one million cases each.

Some 1.13 million people have died, 30.5 million have recovered but there are still 9.3 million active cases and they are on the increase.



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