Zimbabwe records 74 new coronavirus cases as active cases continues to increase

Zimbabwe records 74 new coronavirus cases as active cases continues to increase

Zimbabwe today recorded 74 new coronavirus cases, 48 of them in Bulawayo, as the number of active cases continued to rise and now stands at 626.

Bulawayo has the highest number of active cases at 198 followed by Matebeleland North, where there was an outbreak of John Tallach Secondary, which now has 156 active cases.

Harare has been static at 76 while the number of cases in Matebeleland South dropped to 65 after 15 people recovered today.

The number of cumulative cases now stands at 9 120 and that of people that have recovered is 8 229. Deaths remained at 265.

Police yesterday warned that they will enforce coronavirus lockdown restrictions because individuals and churches increasingly were flouting them.

They said they had arrested 224 037 people for flouting lockdown regulations and accounted for 23 180 vehicles for pirating.

Globally the number of cases now stands at 57.6 million with the United States accounting for 12.1 million cases. Some 1.37 million people have died, nearly 40 million have recovered and there are still 16.3 million active cases.



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