Zimbabwe records 4 coronavirus deaths as Health ministry warns of surge in cases

Zimbabwe records 4 coronavirus deaths as Health ministry warns of surge in cases

Prevent cholera this festive season by:

• Not eating from undesignated food vendors/places

• Washing your hands with soap under running water before eating or after using the toilet

• Immediately reporting to the nearest health facility if you suspect cholera

Prevent malaria this rainy season by :

• Sleeping under an insecticide treated net

• Applying mosquito repellent

• Wearing clothes that cover all the body

• Avoiding being outdoors after dusk

• Avoiding travel to malaria prone areas

Prevent HIV infection by:

• Knowing your status and avoiding promiscuity

Prevent road traffic accidents by:

• Not drinking if you are driving

• Putting your seat belt on before you drive. This can save your life.

• Avoiding speeding

• Desist from boarding over loaded vehicles


• Do not put your life at risk by crossing flooded rivers this festive season. Wait for the water to subside or use an alternative route.


• Avoid seeking shelter under trees or moving in the open when it is raining

The ministry said the public should report any suspected cases of these diseases and other emergencies to the national hotlines/Toll free number * 2019 *.



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