Zimbabwe records 300 new coronavirus cases in one day as it defers opening of schools

Zimbabwe records 300 new coronavirus cases in one day as it defers opening of schools

Zimbabwe yesterday recorded 300 new coronavirus in a single day, 287 of them local and only 13 imported. Nine were returning residents from Botswana and four from South Africa.

It had one death in the Midlands raising the national death toll to 360.

Schools were supposed to reopen on Monday, 4 January, but the government yesterday deferred this indefinitely because of the increasing number of coronavirus cases and the new strains that have come up.

Examination classes will, however, resume on Tuesday, 5 January.

Manicaland had the highest number of new cases at 64 followed by Bulawayo with 62 but Bulawayo also had the highest number of recoveries at 63.

There were 87 recoveries raising the total to 11 154 and that of cases to date to 13 625.

The number of active cases rose to 2 111. Harare has 506, followed by Matebeleland South with 444 and Bulawayo 301.

Globally the number of cases has risen to 83.1 million. The United States alone now has 20.2 million and 350 778 deaths.

Some 1.81 million people have so far died, 58.9 million have recovered but there are still 22.4 million active cases.

South Africa now has 1.04 million cases, 28 033 deaths and 143 531 active cases.



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