Zimbabwe records 192 new coronavirus cases as fully vaccinated surpass 400 000

Zimbabwe records 192 new coronavirus cases as fully vaccinated surpass 400 000

Zimbabwe yesterday recoded 192 new coronavirus cases but 82 of them were from Mashonaland West and covered four days from 7 June.

Bulawayo, however, had 44 new cases pushing the number of active cases in the city to 126.

More than 6 000 people also got their second dose yesterday with the number of Zimbabweans now fully vaccinated surpassing 400 000, just over 4 % of the 10 million the country intends to vaccinate to reach herd immunity.

Only 30 people recovered resulting in the number of active cases rising to 1 089.

There were three deaths all in Mashonaland West.

So far 1 629 people have died and 36 970 have recovered. Cases have risen to 39 688.

Harare has 434 active cases followed by Mashonaland West with 168 and Matebeleland South, 132.

Only 799 got the first jab to raise the total to 691 251while 6 549 got the second dose bringing the total of those now fully immunised to 405 603.

Zimbabwe’s vaccination programme has been haled y the World Health Organisation.

South African opposition leader Julius Malema said he is considering coming to Zimbabwe to get his vaccination.

Vaccination is free for Zimbabweans but foreigners pay.




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