Zimbabwe records 144 more coronavirus cases at schools

Zimbabwe records 144 more coronavirus cases at schools

Zimbabwe today recorded 248 new coronavirus cases, 144 of them at schools with the Midlands worst hit with 54 cases, followed by Masvingo with 49, Matebeleland South 16, Mashonaland East 13 and Manicaland 12.

There were only two deaths and 152 recoveries resulting in the number of active cases going up to 2 519.

Cases in Masvingo have risen to 436, in the Midlands to 386, Manicaland 356 and Matebeleland South 203. Bulawayo has 187 while Harare is down to 120.

Just over 29 000 people were vaccinated today with 13 120 getting the first jab and 16 648 the second and final dose.



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