Zimbabwe records 13 new local coronavirus cases, total now 605

Zimbabwe records 13 new local coronavirus cases, total now 605

Zimbabwe had 14 new coronavirus cases today, 13 of which were local transmissions.  This has increased the number of cases to 605.

There were, however, three recoveries in Mashonaland East raising the total to 166.

Active cases now stand at 432.

So far, 68 400 people have been tested. Seven have died.

Globally there are now 10.7 million cases.

Just over 516 400 people have died, most of them in the United States and Brazil.

The United States has just surpassed 130 000 deaths while Brazil has over 60 000.

The gap between those recovering and active cases continues to widen with 5.9 million recoveries against 4.3 million active cases.



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