Zimbabwe records 11 coronavirus deaths with 3 days to lockdown review

Zimbabwe records 11 coronavirus deaths with 3 days to lockdown review

Zimbabwe today recorded 11 coronavirus deaths and 96 new cases with three days to go before the country reviews its strict lockdown restrictions.

So far 417 833 people have been arrested for violating the restrictions from the first lockdown in March last year.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa today said he will announce new measures next week.

The current restrictions end on Monday, 15 February, unless extended.

Zimbabwe has so far recoded 35 045 cases and 1 393 deaths but 29 959 people, including 329 today, have recovered.

Active cases are now down to 3 693 with Harare having 1 431, Manicaland 692, Matebeland North 462 and Bulawayo 241.

The seven-day rolling average for new cases dropped from 111 to 102 while the recovery rate rose to 85.5%.



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