Zimbabwe coronavirus deaths down to 5

Zimbabwe coronavirus deaths down to 5

Zimbabwe today recorded only five coronavirus deaths and had 59 new cases resulting in the seven-day rolling average dropping from 102 to 88.

The number of recoveries rose to 30 089 after 130 people recovered today.

Cases have risen to 35 104 and deaths to 1 398.

There are now 3 617 active cases with Harare having 1 395, Manicaland 594, Matebeleland North 463 and Bulawayo 211.

Zimbabwe is under a strict Level 4 lockdown which should end on Monday, 15 February.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa said he will announce new measures next week.

Doctors have urged Zimbabwe not to reopen its borders to prevent the South African strain from coming into the country.

South Africa has recorded 1.49 million cases, the highest in Africa, 47 821 deaths and now has 56 246 active cases.

The United States, the hardest hit country in the world, should surpass 500 000 deaths before the end of this month. It already has just over 493 000 deaths.



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