Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s State of the Nation Address in full

Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s State of the Nation Address in full

President Emmerson Mnangagwa today presented his State of the Nation Address at State House and officially opened the fourth session of Zimbabwe’s ninth Parliament.

Here is the full address:

Mr. Speaker Sir, Madame President;

It is my honour and privilege to deliver my State of the Nation Address at this occasion which also marks the Opening of the Fourth Session of the Ninth Parliament of Zimbabwe. I am making this address at a time when our nation remains under the cloud of the COVID-19 pandemic for the second year running.  I, however, sincerely congratulate the people of our great nation for their unity and fortitude as well as the hard working culture which they continue to demonstrate. This has seen us realise unprecedented milestones and successes, against all forms of adversity.

Increased production, productivity, innovation and positive ingenuity are inspiring many, especially our young people to work harder to reach their full potential for the ultimate prosperity of our nation.

I equally commend the people of our great motherland, across all sectors of the economy for rallying together and playing their respective part towards the realisation of Vision 2030.

The peace, unity, harmony, stability and growing national cohesion will surely see us realising the goals and aspirations we have set out for ourselves.  As we reflect on the State of our Nation, let us therefore, individually and collectively re-commit to serve our mother country wholeheartedly, towards an improved quality of life for all and lasting development which leaves no one and no place behind.

Mr. Speaker Sir, Madame President,

My administration is buoyed by the upward growth trajectory of our economy. This year’s projections indicate an over 7.8% economic growth.

The higher predictions are premised on the good 2020/21 agriculture season; firm international mineral commodity prices, stable inflation and exchange rate as well as the containment of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The financial sector is stable with the foreign currency auction performing well and accessed by both large and small to medium size businesses. Going forward my Government will ensure that the platform is adequately resourced and that the relevant authorities enhance efficiencies within the system.

These successes are being recorded against a backdrop of the continuing illegal economic sanctions. The sanctions have a deleterious impact on our economy. We therefore reiterate our calls for their urgent and unconditional removal.

In agriculture, timely implementation of Government programmes is immensely benefitting the sector.  The focus of the multi-pronged programmes now seeks to increase rural per capita incomes while also improving household food security and nutrition. The increased number of young people undertaking thriving farming businesses throughout the country is applauded.  This new crop of young farmers assures us that the land which we fought for, will remain in safe hands, for posterity.

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