Zimbabwe Parliament- What they said about the Belarus fire tender deal- Part 4

Zimbabwe Parliament- What they said about the Belarus fire tender deal- Part 4

HON. HWENDE: They have money yavarikutora in US dollar kunyika kwavari kutenga. Saka ma sanctions apinda papi?

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: I do not want to send you out.

HON HWENDE: Kana tauya pano hatigone kutamba nevanhu vakatisarudza tichiudzwa zvinhu zvinoita kuti tisagone kuenda kunotsanangura.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: May you leave the House?

HON HWENDE: No, you cannot chase people everyday

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: I have made a ruling. You are out of order.

HON. HWENDE: I must be here, I am allowed to ask questions on behalf of my constituency, you cannot chase me away everyday – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] – What kind of Parliament is this?

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: I have made a ruling Hon. Member.

HON. HWENDE: You are number 157 on the corruption index, we are supposed to fight corruption. With due respect, you cannot chase me away every day.  I have a right to be in this Parliament, to ask questions on behalf of the people of Kuwadzana who elected me.  I did not come here on my own, I was elected through a national election.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: I have made a ruling.

HON. HWENDE: But you cannot chase me away forever, I cannot come here every day and you expel me.  This is not fair.

HON. HAMAUSWA: On a point of order Mr. Speaker Sir.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: I am not entertaining that – [AN HON. MEMBER: Saka ichiri Parliament here iyi? Chisarai mega muchitaura mega.  I am going because hamungaiti zvekupota muchidzinga vanhu.] – [AN HON. MEMBER: Endai, get away] –


HON. CHOMBO: Hon. Banda also asked if fire tenders at the Airport are from South Africa, why not go and buy from South Africa.  The ones that were tested and proven were the ones that we got from Belarus and as I said we saw it work through the Allied Timber one that we visited.  That is why we thought it wise to go for the same one, like that because it is something we know.

Hon. Chimina asked why we must not consult the elected officials and why not get specifications. As I said we consulted throughout the forum and also the specifications were supplied to us through the forum, so chances of us getting something that is not ideal for the terrain are very slim.

Continued next page



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