Zimbabwe has no coronavirus deaths for three days

Zimbabwe has no coronavirus deaths for three days

Zimbabwe has not recorded any coronavirus deaths over the past three days.

The 18 deaths, including that of a three-week-old baby, reported up to Friday were discovered posthumously and occurred between 1 and 5 August.

It, however, recoded nearly 300 new cases bringing the total to 4 575.

More than 200 people recovered from the virus bringing the total to 1 416.

There are still 3 057 active cases with more than half of them, some 1 620, being in Harare.

Mashonaland Central has only 15 active cases and Masvingo 21.

Globally, there are now 19.8 million cases which include 729 500 deaths, 12.7 million recoveries and 6.4 million active cases.

Deaths in South Africa have not surpassed 10 000. There are 553 188 cases.



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