Zimbabwe fragile but better than Nigeria!

Zimbabwe has been ranked the 13th most fragile State in the world by the Fund for Peace, a ranking that was recently rubbished by President Robert Mugabe who argued that it was the most highly developed country in Africa after its neighbour South Africa.

Nigerian newspapers were miffed by Mugabe’s comments but the ranking shows that the two countries are locked at number 13 with Nigeria listed above Zimbabwe.

The ranking has 178 countries with Finland being the most stable country in the world.

Mugabe told the World Economic Forum this month that Zimbabwe has just had a bumper harvest, had 14 universities, a literacy rate of over 90, which was the highest in Africa, yet someone had the audacity to call it   fragile State.

“That isn’t true,” he said. “Zimbabwe is the most highly developed country in Africa. After South Africa, I want to see another country as highly developed.

“We have a bumper harvest, not only maize, but also tobacco and many other crops. We are not a poor country. If anyone wants to call us fragile, they can. You can also call America fragile,” he said.

Mugabe said the United States had to go “on its knees” to China to save some of its companies.



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