Zimbabwe coronavirus recovery continues, 6 provinces now have less than 100 cases each

Zimbabwe coronavirus recovery continues, 6 provinces now have less than 100 cases each

Zimbabwe yesterday recorded 37 new coronavirus cases and one death but 179 people recovered resulting in the number of active cases dropping to 1 259.

Six provinces, including the two metropolitan provinces of Harare and Bulawayo, now have less than 100 cases, each, with Bulawayo having 79; Mashonaland West, 61; Matebeleland South, 46; Harare, 39; Midlands, 34; and Mashonaland Central, 6.

Mashonaland East still has the largest number of 339 after 73 people from the province recovered yesterday. Manicaland is in second place with 299, followed by Matebeleland North with 198 and Masvingo with 158.

The country has so far recorded132 405 cases and 4 6 59 deaths but 126 487 people have recovered, a 95% recovery rate.

Vaccination continued to be low with 6 631 people getting the first jab and 7 140 the second.



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