Zimbabwe coronavirus deaths rise to 825 as 52 die in 24 hours

Zimbabwe coronavirus deaths rise to 825 as 52 die in 24 hours

Zimbabwe today lost 52 people to the coronavirus pushing the death toll to 825 and that for this month alone to 462.

Presidential spokesman Gorge Charamba, however, said while the mortality figures had soared, people should not lose sight of the mathematical fact of gradually declining infection figures.

“At some point we got over 1300 cases in a single day. Also worldwide, the recovery rates are slowing down. That’s scary,” he tweeted.

“Very important to moan our dead while motivating and giving hope to the living. Certainly the infection numbers are steadily declining, which means the lockdown is beginning to pay off. Sadly the recklessness of the festive period is delivering macabre result!”

There could be some truth to what Charamba said as more people have died so far this month than the whole of last year.

Even the number of cases for this month has surpassed that for last year.

There were 783 new cases today pushing the total so far to 28 675 and the number of cases for this month alone to 14 808.

The number of active cases dropped to 9 740 after 738 people recovered.

Harare continued to have the highest number at 4 395 but Bulawayo was pushed to 6th place with 573 cases.

Manicaland remained in second place with 1 283 cases, followed by Mashonaland East with 1 004, Midlands 591 and Mashonaland West 583.

Mashonaland Central had the highest number of recoveries at 332. It now has 361 active cases but Matebeleland South has the lowest at 121.

Mashonaland West recorded the highest number of deaths today, 15, followed by Mashonaland Central with 11.

Globally the number of cases rose to 96.4 million. There are still 25.4 million active cases.

The United States which has 24.7 million cases just surpassed 410 000 deaths on the last day of President Trump in office.



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