So, whoever is doing that in the Ministries must be warned because they are bringing unnecessary divisions because our people will not accept that. One day you will find people that are going to make an uprise there and chase those people away and what will then happen. That is reality and that is the truth. We need to look at it and face it because if we ignore it, that is a time bomb that is just waiting to explode one day. Let us be sincere about these things as we approach them because we want to be people that are known to be using our brains to think. Do not use any other thing, but use your brains to think. Do not be emotional or any other things, the brains were meant for that and let us use them.
The President was on point but what are we doing all of us here? We need to ask ourselves. Are we complimenting and are we being on point when we are assigned to do certain things. With those words Madam Speaker, may I thank you very much for giving me this time to also air my views and may I say good afternoon to you. Thank you.