ZANU-PF elections next Saturday

The Zimbabwe African National Union- Patriotic Front today decided to hold all the remaining seven provincial elections simultaneously next Saturday. The decision was reached after a six-hour meeting of the party’s highest body, the politburo, which was chaired by President Robert Mugabe who had been out of the country for a week.  The party will provide all the logistics. The politburo also endorsed the elections held in Manicaland, Mashonaland Central and the Midlands. Party chairman Simon Khaya Moyo will work on the programme for the impending polls while ministers of State responsible for the seven provinces and the provincial chairpersons will meet on Wednesday to prepare for the elections. Party spokesman Rugare Gumbo dismissed reports that elections held so far had been chaotic arguing: “I don’t know where people are getting this notion that ZANU-PF is chaotic from. It’s a creation of the media. It is you, journalists, who want to project the party in a negative way.”



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