ZANU-PF chief whip says MDC MPs represent their pockets and stomachs not the people

ZANU-PF chief whip says MDC MPs represent their pockets and stomachs not the people

Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front chief whip Pupurai Togarepi has blasted Movement for Democratic Change legislators for caring more about their pockets and stomachs than for ordinary people.

His comments follow last week’s walk-out by MDC legislators when President Emmerson Mnangagwa came to attend the 2020 budget presentation by Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube.

The legislators attended a pre- budget meeting at Victoria Falls and took Mthuli Ncube to task.

“They flew to Victoria Falls for the budget seminar, they were there for allowances not for the people, they are like baboons and monkeys that only want to benefit where they did not sow,” Togarepi told the Zimbabwe Morning Post.

“They do not want to recognise President Mnangagwa but they do recognise perks which are approved by His Excellency.  President Mnangagwa is legitimate to them when it suits their stomachs and pockets but when it comes to national development and the people of Zimbabwe he is not.

“Their monkey and baboon behaviour should not be tolerated especially coming from people who purport to represent the people, these guys actually represent their pockets and stomachs.”



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