Why Mnangagwa announced the fuel price hike

Why Mnangagwa announced the fuel price hike

Speculative behaviour has been destroying the country over the years and sadly it is the poor Zimbabwean who is used by those who want to make money from the chaos.

No one wants to go back to 2008, including Mnangagwa and his government. But this excuse is used to throw people into panic every time.

This reminds me of the statement that was made by Tsitsi Masiyiwa for which she was bashed until she closed her twitter account.

“Some outcries and actions in pursuit of justice seem and look so right until you discover the source of the outcry and sponsor of the cause. Take a step back and reflect on some of the things we consider good and just causes,” she said.

It is time that Zimbabweans stepped back and looked at the source of the outcries and sponsors of all these price hikes, demonstrations and shut downs.

There are people in Zimbabwe who cry during the day that Mnangagwa is throwing the country to the dogs but at night pray to God or the devil (because God does not really want his people to suffer) that things remain the way they are because they will be out of jobs if the economy recovers.

They will not admit this but they are at the forefront of shooting down anyone who suggests that people should not be used to support causes that they do not really benefit from.



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