Who got what from the bank of Credit and Commerce International

Price Waterhouse reports 18 months earlier had listed BCCI's exposure on lending to governments and Central Banks as follows:


Country         Nature of Loans      Exposure 9/30/89

(in millions)


Nigeria         Government           216.9


Philippines     Central Bank          30


Zambia          Central Bank          24.6


Sudan           Central Bank          19.9


Iraq            Unspecified           11.8


Mexico          Unspecified            7.3


Cuba            Unspecified            2.3


Sierra Leone    Unspecified            3.3


Ivory Coast     Unspecified             .8


Panama          Unspecified             .6(11)

Many normal banks have such exposures, and apart from the situation involving Nigeria and to some extent Sudan, the exposure faced by BCCI on its lending to governments was within reasonable commercial norms. However, beneath the veneer of normal practice, the underlying manner by which BCCI developed these relationships was anything but normal. As the case histories below demonstrate, in country after country, BCCI's relationships with officials were fundamentally corrupt.

Continued next page



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