Where the hell is Jonathan Moyo?

Jonathan Moyo’s twitter account went dead on 14 November the day when the military started closing in on Harare and finally took over the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation and former President Robert Mugabe’s Blue roof mansion.

He resurrected on 21 November after Mugabe resigned, proclaiming that there will never be anyone like Mugabe.

But it was after Mnangagwa was sworn in on 24 November and his colleagues Ignatius Chombo, Kudzanai Chipanga and Innocent Hamandishe appeared in court that he started tweeting more frequently.

In one tweet which was removed, Moyo said he and colleagues Saviour Kasukuwere and more than 50 others had skipped the country, but he is able to tweet official documents, some of which even those in the country have a problem finding, implying that if he is really out of the country, he still has strong connections within the government.

He tweeted the new cabinet, for example, an hour or so after it was announced, yet this was done around midnight when most people had gone to bed.

If Moyo skipped the country, then what he tweeted on 28 November that 25 sharpshooters attacked the house where he and Kasukuwere were with their families, cannot be true.

How did he and Kasukuwere escape?

One of his followers, who seems to have a military background, said the story was unbelievable because one needed only four sharpshooters to do the job and not 25.

Another commented: “25 SAS highly trained and they all missed? No-one was hurt. Not adding up here? Chombo & Chipanga were arrested and you are a free person. Tell the world the truth Moyo, you have always been Lacoste. All along it was a show, soon you will be back in ZANUPF. Bob was fooled. Shame!”

Moyo has been tweeting regularly ever since, commenting on very topical issues, yet no one can explain how he skipped the country when he and Kasukuwere were probably the most sought after persons.

The question is: Is someone playing with our minds?

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