What people told Mnangagwa about the appointment of Chiwenga and Mohadi

There was mixed reaction to President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s appointment of Constantino Chiwenga and Kembo Mohadi as party-vice-presidents yesterday with some saying it was a payback while others said people should give the President a chance.

Mnangangwa posted the appointments on his official twitter handle and here are some of the reactions.

Emmerson D. Mnangagwa‏ -Today, I have appointed former Zimbabwe Defence Forces Commander, Constantino Chiwenga and former State Security Minister, Kembo Mohadi as the ruling ZANU-PF’s new Vice Presidents and Second Secretaries. I'm looking forward to working with them to the success of our nation.

Mwana Wevhu- I still don't understand the motive behind the appointment.. Is it friendship or payback?

Xolisani Sikhosana– It's payback baba

Douglas Mwonzora– You are militarising state institutions. Those who thought you might reform the state institutions are better advised to think again.

Gerald Maguranyanga– Hon DM. I disagree with u. Lets not criticise just because. Let's genuinely support this new administration & see how it goes. It's early days to go all out & attack everything. ED deserves a chance. I've given ED the benefit of the doubt.

Elvin Mcluvin–  Is there any chance that you will reinstate Prof Jonathan Moyo as a minister?

Kelvin Mupungu- Ah! Vamwe vanhu ka,pls think first.

Ndumiso M. Ndlovu- Did you know? 32 of the 45 American presidents have had some kind of military service to their name?

Thadious Chigodo- Masoja auya, if they say left turn, right turn, they mean it. Discipline and focus gore rino. Hezvoko ma Ministers no more mediocre performance. Non performing Ministers tumai General Mr President.  Iwe neni tine basa.

Build Zimbabwe Alliance-  Mr. President, it is alleged that the Fly Africa airline you travelled on to get to SA is actually a family owned business? Could you give clarity on the matter. Thank you.

Tafara Mangoma- Fly Africa is not family business to the president. Its owned by Mr C Mugwagwa

Robert moyo- The appointment of Chiwenga as VP confirms  that Mugabe was ousted through a coup.  I wonder if we gonna have free and fair elections next year.

Staliyan – Yeah should have known when you talked of no business as usual  you meant business through the gun. Why so many soldiers in government to begin with are we really going to have a free and fair election next year.

Gerald Maguranyanga – Yes we will have a good election next year. Want a bad one? Wish for it.

Staliyan- I’m not wishing for a bad election no but on the contrary I hope for a good credible one so that we can actually and finally get this terrorist group completely out of power and then start holding them accountable to everything that they have done through the years.

@molifimaleka- hahaha pay back time…nothing for mahala madala



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