Tshabangu says I am unstoppable

Tshabangu says I am unstoppable

Self-proclaimed Citizens Coalition for Change interim secretary-general, who has so far recalled nearly 50 legislators, says he is unstoppable but he received a lot of flak from his followers including four-letter word insults. 

Tshabangu has been ordered by the court to stop further recalls. The case will be heard on 20 November.

Despite the court ruling Tshabangu today insisted: “As I said before,the wave is unstoppable and more recalls are coming,the high court has issued an interdict to stop me but I am unstoppable, I’ve more names already and I’ll do as usual and the wheels of Democracy are fastly turning,brace for more.”

One Tapera Emmanuel told Tshabangu that several people had tried to destroy the opposition as he was doing but had failed.

“I have just followed you only to track your unstoppable utterances and recalls. Mukoma Dhagi vakazvitadza izvi!! @DMwonzora. Musoro bhanzi akazvirega izvi @ProfMadhuku, Thokozani is regretting this , what about you!” Tapera said.

@UncleMakukula said: “This exposes you. You are saying  you are unstoppable, not that ccc is unstoppable. Who is your principal, definitely not Chamisa because you are not taking his instructions. History will judge you not zanu pf. The blood of citizens being killed in mabvuku is upon your hands.”

There have been a number of reported abductions from Mabvuku where one of the seats became vacant after Tshabangu recalled the sitting Member of Parliament.

@BenedictTrymore said Tshabangiu was digging his own grave.

“Interestingly you are digging your own grave you can’t take our vote because of money you receive from Zanu pf….”



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