Trend reversed as active coronavirus cases in Zimbabwe increase

Trend reversed as active coronavirus cases in Zimbabwe increase

Zimbabwe had 35 new coronavirus cases today and only 14 recoveries resulting in the number of active cases going up to 1 503.

It had no deaths for the second day running.

The country now has 7 787 cases which include 6 057 recoveries and 227 deaths.

Mashonaland East had five recoveries which left the province without any active case.

Mashonaland Central which had no active cases yesterday had 8 new cases.

The number of active cases in Bulawayo rose to 102 while Matebeleland South had the biggest gain after recording 18 new cases increasing the tally to 182.

Globally the number of cases rose to 32.7 million. There are now 990 900 deaths, 24.1 million recoveries and 7.6 million active cases.

India, currently at number two, could reach six million cases over this weekend.



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