The Saviour Kasukuwere Wikileaks cables

Saviour Kasukuwere was one of the young barons that entered into Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front politics when he was elected to parliament in 2000. He was profiting from ZANU-PF’s indigenisation programme and took advantage of the shortage of fuel that hit the country shortly after the country’s foreign currency dried up. According to Wikileaks he was an admirer of Youth Development Minister Border Gezi who also came from Mashonaland Central and now fills his shoes as Youth Minister. Kasukuwere has been making headlines because of the government’s indigenisation policy. There are 27 cables on him. Here they are.

27-Doing business Zimbabwe- style

26-Kasukuwere announces indigenisation regulations

25-Mudarikwa says indigenisation is not helping anybody

24-Kasukuwere is untrustworthy and a thug- Wikileaks

23-Indigenisation scare!

22-Kasukuwere led youths try to disrupt constitutional programme

21-Government urged to get mining policies right

20-Youths disrupt national healing conference

19-An analysis of trade unions in Zimbabwe by the United States embassy

18-Thugs on the payroll and in the classroom

17-Mugabe, Tsvangirai reward loyalty for cabinet picks—-

16-Mugabe outmanoeuvred MDC to increase size of cabinet

15-Mugabe has dossiers on the illegal activities of his colleagues- Wikileaks

14-Mujuru camp sought US help to remove Mugabe

13-Kasukuwere rumoured to be leader of hit squad

12-Embassy wanted Kasukuwere’s wife added to sanctions list

11-Lock-step loyalty key for appointment by Mugabe

10-Kasukuwere wanted Chinamasa rubbed out- wife says

9-Mnangagwa says MDC has a habit of changing its mind at 11th hour

8-Did MDC plan bombings or was it a hoax?

7-Kasukuwere fingered inland audit

6-Chiyangwa, Chapfika and Kasukuwere too partisan

5-US embassy said MDC should not accommodate Kasukuwere

4-US embassy felt Kasukuwere was the right person to replace Gezi

3-Kasukuwere, Chiyangwa more interested in self-enrichment!

2-Kasukuwere thought Border Gezi was smart

1-Kasukuwere said Mugabe must be phased out for ZANU-PF to survive



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