401-Mugabe was ready to concede defeat in 2008 – Wikileaks
402-Tsvangirai vacillated on results
403-Goche negotiated Mugabe exit with MDC
404-MDC said Tsvangirai won presidential poll
405-Was Tsvangirai taken for a ride by Mugabe?
406-US embassy ruled out Tsvangirai victory
407-Observers concerned about delay in releasing results
408-Tsvangirai said he won but ready for runoff
409-Tsvangirai condemns reengineering of results
410-Zuma’s advisor at a loss regarding Zimbabwe
411-ZANU-PF Senate can delay but not stop legislation
412-Zuma advisor said ANC could not do anything about Zimbabwe
413-Mutambara sought coalition with Tsvangirai
414-Paper said election officials tampered with Mugabe votes
415-Mamabolo said Mugabe’s votes might have been undercounted
416-Embassy said Tsvangirai’s fears were unfounded
417-Was Mt Darwin vote rigged?
418-MDC rejected recount, warned of violence
419-ZANU-PF was ready to go to war to stop Tsvangirai
Continued next page