The Morgan Tsvangirai Wikileaks cables-Part Thirty-Six-final


361-Tsvangirai threatened to pull out

362-Bennett “over the moon” with Tsvangirai’s leadership

363-Turmoil in the MDC

364-Tsvangirai wanted MDC to come up with a unified slate of candidates

365-MDC set conditions for SADC agreement

366-Chamisa said MDC would be finished if it boycotted 2008 elections

367-MDC promised to present a united front

368-US government funded Mbeki to stop Zuma from becoming president

369-Ten Mutambara MPs were ready to defect- Bennett

370-Mushore said the Mujurus were behind Makoni

371-Mugabe rejected election proposals for 2008

372-Tsvangirai put pressure on Mugabe to postpone elections

373-Trevor Ncube said the MDC was a “tired and contaminated brand”

374-US ambassador refused to buy MDC spin

375-MDC factions agreed to field Tsvangirai as president

376-Mangoma said Tsvangirai was more malleable than Mugabe

377-Tsvangirai dragged by police from his home

378-Talks dead, MDC in a quandary

379-MDC reunification collapses

380-Mujuru wanted Mugabe to go because his business was being affected

Continued next page


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Charles Rukuni
The Insider is a political and business bulletin about Zimbabwe, edited by Charles Rukuni. Founded in 1990, it was a printed 12-page subscription only newsletter until 2003 when Zimbabwe's hyper-inflation made it impossible to continue printing.


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