For quite some time Zimbabwe has been talking about the one-stop-shop and ease of doing business but all these discussions have been to no avail. We are now at a point where we are talking of National Competitive Bill Commission. This is daylight robbery; we are creating jobs for our relatives. We only want to feed on nepotism, please let us be sympathetic to our fellow Zimbabweans who are languishing in poverty and yet some of us are able to create jobs. We are living a lavish life, I plead with the Minister please create jobs for the people. We should not create a nation of vendors who run street battles with local authorities, officials and police. Please create jobs so that people have a steady income.
HON. MAHOKA: I thank you Hon. Speaker, I thank you for giving me the opportunity to make my contribution on the Bill introduced by the Minister. I am not going to talk much. When the Chair of the Committee went on a public hearing and heard the findings, we expected the Chair to bring the evidence and information gathered from the people and this will be included in the Minister’s Bill. We want this Bill after it has included what was gathered from the public.
I have noticed that the people who are turning down this Bill feel it is shrouded in mystery and we are saying we have no industries and no jobs and this is caused by the sanctions which were caused by our fellow members. When we talk of the potholes, we have the Mayor of Harare, Councilor Manyenyeni always talking about that. We cannot waste our time talking about an individual, all we are asking for is the Minister to go and add some flesh on to this Bill and introduce it. I thank you.
THE DEPUTY MINISTER OF INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE (HON. MABUWA): Thank you Hon. Speaker, I move that the debate do now adjourn.
HON. CHAMISA: On a point of order Mr. Speaker Sir.
THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: What is your point of order?
HON. CHAMISA: I want to add my contribution Hon. Speaker Sir.
THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Order. I will allow Hon. Chamisa then after that we can wind up the debate.
HON. CHAMISA: Thank you Hon. Speaker for that providence, I also want to thank Hon. Members for the indulgence. This is a very important debate in the sense that it has to do with our important roles as legislators and as lawmakers. We are charged in terms of both the Constitution and even in the prayer that we make in this Parliament, we are supposed to make sure that whatever we do, we do it ‘for the welfare of society and just government of men’.
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