Support “The Insider” through micropayments with Kachingle!

The Insider wants to keep on producing quality content that continues to be valuable for you. To do this, continued funding is important, and after looking at different funding sources we recently chose Kachingle. Kachingle is an innovative social micropayment service that enables readers to easily make ongoing, voluntary micropayments to sites like ours.

Kachingle is simple, user-centric, and a user-controlled alternative to cumbersome subscriptions, paywalls, and pay-per-article plans that some media outlets are considering. It requires virtually no effort on your part – you just become a Kachingler, giving $5 a month through PayPal, and then click once on the Kachingle medallion on our site. No credit cards, no passwords, no separate accounts for every site you visit. Kachingle will keep track of your monthly visits to each of the sites you’ve selected, and at the end of the month, your monthly pay-in to Kachingle will be distributed proportionally among those sites.

We hope you will become a Kachingler, helping to support online journalism’s future, including the time and resource intensive reporting that The Insider produces. After you become a Kachingler, you’ll also be able to share the sites you support with colleagues, friends, and family, and turn them on to the sites you visit. You can join as a Kachingler by “mousing” over the Kachingle Medallion on this page and clicking on “Join Kachingle”.



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