15-Mugabe has dossiers on the illegal activities of his colleagues- Wikileaks
16-Mugabe outmanoeuvred MDC to increase size of cabinet
17-Mugabe, Tsvangirai reward loyalty for cabinet picks—-
18-Thugs on the payroll and in the classroom
19-An analysis of trade unions in Zimbabwe by the United States embassy
20-Youths disrupt national healing conference
21-Government urged to get mining policies right
22-Kasukuwere led youths try to disrupt constitutional programme
24-Kasukuwere is untrustworthy and a thug- Wikileaks
25-Mudarikwa says indigenisation is not helping anybody
26-Kasukuwere announces indigenisation regulations
27-Doing business Zimbabwe- style
Tomorrow, we look at the man in the news today, Jonathan Moyo. There are 226 cables on Jonathan Moyo