341-ZANU-PF planned to rig 2008 election a day after vote- Wikileaks
342-Mugabe was ready to concede defeat in 2008 – Wikileaks
343-Tanzania was worried about election results
344-Tsvangirai vacillated on results
345-Why ZANU-PF changed its mind about Mugabe exit
346-Rumours abound over election results
347-Tsvangirai condemns reengineering of results
348-Japan said it would give Mugabe a hard time if he came for TICAD
349-Embassy said Tsvangirai’s fears were unfounded
350-Britain was so frustrated by Mbeki over Zimbabwe that it decided to talk to Zuma- Wikileaks
352-US tried to use Tanzania to get Mugabe to step down
353-ZANU-PF was ready to go to war to stop Tsvangirai
356-Mwanawasa parroted what Britain and US wanted him to say
358-Brazilian ambassador said Zimbabwe’s elections were exemplary
359-Goche, Chinamasa and Mnangagwa were prepared to ditch Mugabe
360-Jendayi Frazer said Tsvangirai won the elections
Continued next page