Police say they still do not have any leads on Itai Dzamara

Police say they still do not have any leads on Itai Dzamara

The Zimbabwe Republic Police are still investigating the whereabouts of journalist- turned-activist Itai Dzamara who disappeared on 9 March 2015 and are filing fortnightly reports with the High Court of Zimbabwe.

Deputy Home Affairs Minister Mark Madiro told Parliament today that police have so far filed 93 updates on the progress of their investigations with the High Court as directed by Justice David Mangota on 13 March 2015 but no leads have been established.

The updates are sent to the High Court by the Legal Services Department of the Police through the Civil Division of the Attorney-General’s office.

Police have failed to make any headway despite a $10 000 reward.

They have also investigated various allegations made by individuals and civic organisations.

Full statement:


THE DEPUTY MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS AND CULTURAL HERITAGE (HON. MADIRO):  Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.  An oral question was asked and request was put forward for the Minister of Home Affairs to make a Ministerial Statement on the whereabouts of Itai Dzamara and what the Ministry is doing to find him.

The response is, the Zimbabwe Republic Police has been investigating the disappearance of Itai Dzamara since the 9th March 2015.  Justice David Mangota issued an Order, HC 2211/15 on 13th March, 2015 directing the Zimbabwe Republic Police to submit fortnightly reports on the progress of investigations to the Registrar of the High Court.  These updates are still being sent to the High Court of Zimbabwe by Police General Headquarters (Legal Services Department), through the Civil Division of the Attorney General’s Office and to date, 93 updates have been forwarded.

My Ministry is aware that during on-going investigations, some individuals and civic organisations have proffered various allegations which have been investigated by police and sister organisations but no leads have been established.  The Zimbabwe Republic Police, through the Press and Public Relations Department, has appealed for information that may lead to the location of Itai Dzamara through press statements broadcast on all the print and electronic media houses in the country.  A reward of US$10 000 which has been offered by the police to anyone who supplies information which may lead to the arrest of the suspects involved in the alleged disappearance of Dzamara or to his location still stands.  Police are still conducting investigations.  Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.



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