President Emmerson Mnangagwa says the health, wealth and well-being of everyone, especially children, must be the number one priority of public bodies, private companies and leading brands.
Speaking at a function where he handed over exercise books and e-learning equipment today, Mnangagwa said: “No longer shall we judge companies and brands merely by how much wealth they create….. we must now also insist that they demonstrate how they are enhancing the health and well-being of communities as they create their wealth!”
Mnangagwa handed over 400 of the 800 tablets, 20 overhead projectors and 500 000 exercise books.
Ten schools from each of the country’s 10 provinces were expected to benefit.
Zimbabwe is aiming to have 100 percent e-learning capacity within the next three to five years.
Mnangagwa said his administration was opening up and creating effective platforms, both public and private to effectively sponsor and promote: child welfare, gender equality, public health, responsible sexual behaviour, anti-trafficking, care for the environment, financial literacy, healthy diet and message with “positive social impact”.
“Such messages directed at our children in schools in an effective medium like their exercise books is not only effective, it is also highly accessible,” he said.
He said it was a perfect combination of lowering the cost of education while at the same time imparting and disseminating messages with positive social impact.
“This combination is what will build the health, wealth and well-being of our country. This is the future,” he said.
He said students, teachers and parents will know which companies or brands really care for them just by looking at their daily exercise book.