Chinotimba says sadza at Parliament now too expensive

Chinotimba says sadza at Parliament now too expensive

Buhera South Member of Parliament Joseph Chinotimba got a round of applause yesterday when he complained that sadza at the Members Dining at Parliament was now too expensive at $3 with a coca cola going for $4.

“I am begging you Mr. Speaker; let us protect the Members of Parliament.  If the providers of canteen services at Parliament are not satisfied with the amount that they are getting and therefore feel they should increase prices so that the Members of Parliament suffer, do away with them.  It is either that we provide our own food or we get alternative service providers,” he said.

Speaker Jacob Mudenda said the issue was purely administrative and should have gone through the Speaker’s Office.

“Some of you are applauding Hon. Chinotimba for his contribution.  We need to read our Standing Rules and Orders because if you bring that as a motion, it would be rejected because that problem is affecting every Zimbabwean. The issue should be brought to the Welfare Committee and through the Speaker’s office,” Mudenda said.

Full contribution:

*HON. CHINOTIMBA: On a point of privilege according to Section 68.  The price of goods is increasing and I have noticed that the origins of all these price hikes is emanating from Parliament.   Parliament is selling the soft drink coca cola for a $1 and yet Delta did not increase anything.  In the hotels also where Members of Parliament are staying, those same coca cola drinks are being sold at $4 yet again Delta did not increase the price of its products.   I lay the blame squarely on the administration of Parliament especially those who are in the administration of welfare of Parliamentarians.

As Members of Parliament, we talk to the public and they are complaining of price hikes of these food stuffs.  Again, here at our Members’ Dining we are buying sadza for $3 and coca cola for $4.  As Parliament, we are the perpetrators of the increase of these prices.  I am begging you Mr. Speaker; let us protect the Members of Parliament.  If the providers of canteen services at Parliament are not satisfied with the amount that they are getting and therefore feel they should increase prices so that the Members of Parliament suffer, do away with them.  It is either that we provide our own food or we get alternative service providers.  I thank.

*THE HON. SPEAKER: When we want to discuss issues of welfare of Members of Parliament we do that in the Speaker’s Office.  Those issues are purely administrative; therefore if you have queries, come to the Speaker’s office and address all these issues under the Committee of Standing Rules and Orders.  So Hon. Chinotimba, there is this Committee and they know how best to do with those issues.

*HON. CHINOTIMBA: Thank you Mr. Speaker.  I have misdirected my query but it is a reflection of the public which is suffering from the astronomic rises of the prices of goods and services. I thank you

*THE HON. SPEAKER: Some of you are applauding Hon. Chinotimba for his contribution.  We need to read our Standing Rules and Orders because if you bring that as a motion, it would be rejected because that problem is affecting every Zimbabwean. The issue should be brought to the Welfare Committee and through the Speaker’s office.



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