Party led by exiled Zimbabweans says: “We are a political party that believes Zimbabwe belongs to all who live in it”

Party led by exiled Zimbabweans says: “We are a political party that believes Zimbabwe belongs to all who live in it”

A new political party led by Zimbabweans in exile including former Tourism Minister Walter Mzembi says: “We are a political party that believes Zimbabwe belongs to all who live in it.”

The People’s Party was formed recently and has asked Mzembi to lead it with former Deputy Minister for Higher Education Godfrey Gandawa as his deputy.

United Kingdom-based Lloyd Msipa is the secretary general.

Mzembi and Gandawa are both facing criminal charges in Zimbabwe but skipped the country and are hiding in South Africa.

According to, the party has written to the Westminster Foundation requesting assistance.

It says: “The mission of the People’s Party is to establish for the first time in our history, a fair and just society which will enable the people of Zimbabwe to unleash their talents and ingenuity so that their potential can be fully realised.”

Zimbabwe had more than 133 political parties in the run-up to the 2018 elections.

Fifty five contested the elections while 23 fielded presidential candidates.

There has been a flood of new political parties recently with one called MDC-Zimbabwe and another ZANU-PF Original.



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