One person dies of coronavirus in Bulawayo as 35 recover

One person dies of coronavirus in Bulawayo as 35 recover

One person died of coronavirus in Bulawayo today but all 35 recoveries recoded today where from the city.

Eighty-five people from the city have so far succumbed to the deadly pandemic.

The national death toll rose to 307 with Harare accounting for 141 deaths.

There were 57 new cases, 20 of them in Bulawayo and 19 in Masvingo.

Some 11 219 cases have been reported to date with 9 359 recoveries and 1 553 active cases.

Bulawayo accounts for 570 active cases followed by Harare with 213 and Matebeleland South with 201.

Globally there are now 71.9 million cases which include 1.61 million deaths, 50.4 million recoveries and 19.9 million active cases.

The United States, with 16.4 million cases, continues to be the worst hit country and this week it recorded more than 230 000 cases and more than 3 000 deaths in a single day.



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