One more Zimbabwean dies of coronavirus, death toll now 237

One more Zimbabwean dies of coronavirus, death toll now 237

One more Zimbabwean, from Bulawayo, died of coronavirus today bringing the national death toll to 237 and that for Bulawayo to 52.

Nine people have died of the virus so far this month, eight of them from Bulawayo which now has the highest number of active cases at 113.

There were seven new cases today and 12 recoveries. This saw the total number of cases to date rise to 8 276 and that for people that have recovered to 7 797.

There are still 242 active cases.

Globally the number of cases has risen to 43.3 million while that of deaths now stands at 1.16 million.

The number of active cases continues to rise and now stands at 10.3 million while 31.8 million people have recovered.

Eight countries now have more than one million cases each. These are the United States with 8.9 million, India with 7.9 million, Brazil at 5.4 million, Russia with 1.5 million, France and Spain with 1.1 million each, and Argentina and Colombia at just over a million each.

Mexico, Peru and the United Kingdom are closing in.



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