New coronavirus cases in Zimbabwe rise but more people recover

New coronavirus cases in Zimbabwe rise but more people recover

Zimbabwe today recorded 62 new coronavirus cases, 20 of them in the Midlands where the third wave broke out in July, but 87 people recovered, 63 of them from Manicaland.

There was no death. The number of active cases dropped to 505.

Matebeleland South now has the highest number of cases at 130. All other provinces are below hundred with Manicaland down to 75.

A new strand of virus has been discovered in South Africa and there are fears it could spread to Zimbabwe especially during the coming festive period.

Zimbabwe’s borders are technically closed though the government argues that they are open but human trafficking by buses which ferry people without coronavirus tests and travel documents is rife. There is wide speculation that the buses doing the roaring business are owned by senior Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front politicians.

Though the law says those without coronavirus tests should be quarantined this rarely happens as the bus operators bribe their way right through from South Africa to their Zimbabwe destinations.

Vaccination also seems to be picking up though the goal to jab about 10 million by the end of next month to attain herd immunity looks elusive. More than 31 000 people were vaccinated today with 19 035 getting the first dose and 12 250 the second.



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