New coronavirus cases in Zimbabwe drop to 610, deaths to 13

New coronavirus cases in Zimbabwe drop to 610, deaths to 13

The number of new coronavirus cases in Zimbabwe today dropped to 610 and deaths to 13 deaths as Zimbabwe entered its second day of the 30-day level four lockdown, down from 1 365 cases and 34 deaths yesterday.

So far 68 people have died this month and there have been 3 937 new cases bringing the national toll to 431 deaths and 17 804 cases.

Some 153 people recovered today bringing the total to 11 960 but there are now 5 047 active cases the bulk of them being in Harare. The capital has 2 544 active cases with Bulawayo trailing way down at 516.

Manicaland has overtaken Matebeleland South to take the third place with 400 cases. Matebeleland South has 387 cases after 90 people recovered today.

The government today announced that it had availed $7 billion to motivate and employ more health workers, procure testing, protective equipment and sanitizers and improve infrastructure.

It is also increasing testing and has procured 156 000 kits.

Globally the number of cases continues to soar and now stands at 87.4 million but the number of active cases dropped to 22.6 million.

There have been 1.89 million deaths and 62.9 million recoveries.



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