National Railways of Zimbabwe completes $10 million refurbishment of Nandi-Mkwasine railway line

The National Railways of Zimbabwe (NRZ) has refurbished the Nandi-Mkwasine railway line in Chiredzi at a cost of more than $10 million, an official has said.

NRZ public relations manager, Nyasha Maravanyika said the European Union (EU) had partly funded the project providing a $7.5 million grant through Canelands Trust, an organisation that helps outgrower sugarcane farmers in the Lowveld.

Maravanyika said refurbishment of 34.5 kilometre line was driven by an increase in sugar production and the need to have a cheaper and more efficient mode of transport.

“The completion of the rehabilitation project means that heavier locomotives capable of moving increased volumes will now haul sugar without speed restrictions, reducing reliance on costly road transport,” said Maravanyika.

In the 2015/16 sugar season, farmers produced 1.4 million tonnes of sugarcane, half of which was moved to the mills using the railway line.- The Source



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