Mugabe’s State of the Nation Address in full

Madame President, Mr Speaker Sir,

In line with ZIM ASSET objectives  Government this year created 69 648 stands for the National Housing Delivery Programme.  It is also working on availing land to formerly disadvantaged groups, including Youths and Women, in support of Youth and Women Empowerment and Development programmes.  Government has also designated the Urban Development Corporation (UDCORP), to spearhead urban development in general and housing delivery in particular.  UDCORP is championing the development of stand-alone urban centres which will be developed in Chishawasha B, Knockmalloch near Norton, and Umvutcha in Bulawayo.

Madame President, Mr Speaker Sir,

Following the adoption by Government of the 2015 Civil Service Audit Report, the Public Service Commission aims to re-align, rationalise and restructure line Ministries and Government establishments.  The Commission is currently implementing a number of structural reforms including the abolition of redundant and vacant non-critical posts. It is also in the process of rationalising the duplications and overlaps of functions between and among some line Ministries, and is carrying out job reengineering, job enrichment and multi-skilling.  The resultant effect would be leaner and flatter structures that are economic and would thus enhance effective and quality service delivery.

Madame President, Mr Speaker Sir

Zimbabwe made history and left a permanent mark at both the regional and continental levels following our chairing of both SADC and the AU in 2014 and 2015.  The country championed the development and adoption of a regional industrialisation strategy hinged on value addition and beneficiation.  Zimbabwe also steered the adoption of the AU Agenda 2063, which is Africa’s development blueprint.  Meanwhile, we continue to call for the weaning of both SADC and the AU from overdependence on foreign funding, especially on critical issues of peace and security.

Madame President, Mr. Speaker Sir,

Zimbabwe is proud of its Defence and Security Forces who consistently execute their Constitutional mandate of safeguarding the country’s national sovereignty, territorial integrity, independence, peace and stability.  Externally, the Zimbabwe Security and Defence Forces contribute to international peace and stability by participating in United Nations, African Union and SADC peace support initiatives.

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