President Robert Mugabe today officially opened the 8th Parliament of Zimbabwe and said that the various pieces of legislation that will be tabled during this session require hard work and commitment from both Members of Parliament and cabinet ministers.
“We, therefore, expect robust and well-informed debate from all members, who should always be present, punctual, disciplined, professional, and of impeccable Parliamentary conduct ,” Mugabe said.
When told by one legislator: “Ma ministers haauye kuParliament!”, Mugabe responded of course those who do not attend are guilty.
“They lack impeccable Parliamentary conduct, don’t they? Much more is even expected from cabinet ministers who should lead by example,” he said.
Below is his full address:
HIS EXCELLENCY, THE PRESIDENT OF ZIMBABWE, being seated in the Chair, was pleased to address Parliament as follows:
This Fifth and final Session of the Eighth Parliament of Zimbabwe comes at a time when some measure of progress has been made in the process of aligning our laws to the Constitution. Much more though, still has to be done in fulfillment of the aspirations of our people, expressed during the Constitution outreach campaign. As such, it is my fervent hope that for the remaining life of this Parliament, emphasis be placed on the alignment of the remaining pieces of legislation to the Constitution.
Out of the 206 pieces of legislation identified as requiring alignment to the Constitution, only 30 Acts remain outstanding. The rest have been aligned through the enactment of legislation, such as the National Prosecuting Authority Act, the Public Debt Management Act, and the promulgation of the General Laws Amendment Act. Let me take this opportunity to urge this august House to expedite consideration of the other Bills that have already been submitted for scrutiny.
Madame President, Mr. Speaker Sir,
To provide for the proper ways of handling of our children that are in conflict with the law, the Child Justice Bill, which provides a dedicated child justice system, and the Marriages Bill, which outlaws child marriages, will be brought before this august House.
In addition, the Coroner’s Office Bill, which establishes the Coroner’s Office that will be responsible for the medico-legal investigations into unexplained, suspicious, sudden and unexpected causes of death, will be presented before this Parliament.
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