Mthuli Ncube’s 2024 budget concessions in full

Mthuli Ncube’s 2024 budget concessions in full

Then Hon. Musanhi, regarding the support to industry as we work through the budget, that industry needs to retool which is supported.  I agree with him and if you consider some of the ways in which we have done it – just having an auction in the first place which industry can access US dollars to import.  Most of those resources have gone to retooling and that is why our company has been labelled retool through access to resources through the auction.  We also set up a retooling fund for industry again using SDRs but we will continue to do more.  So, we agree with him that we need to retool our industry and we could do more going, forward such as investing in them, making sure that when it comes to cloud-seeding, we do not miss an opportunity.  Let us do cloud-seeding and harness that water for agriculture. 

Mr. Speaker Sir, I think I have tried hard to cover quite a bit of what was contributed from the floor, the chairs and individual contributions. If I left out anyone, it is not because we do not want to answer but maybe we felt it had been captured elsewhere by other speakers.  But largely, I am very impressed with the quality of contributions from this side of the House.  In the last five years, in my view, this has been the best contribution.  I think I should end by saying, I move that the Bill be read for the first time.  I thank you.



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