More Zimbabweans recover from coronavirus as country goes seven days without any death

More Zimbabweans recover from coronavirus as country goes seven days without any death

Zimbabwe today entered its seventh day without a coronavirus death as 42 people recovered from the virus in the past 24 hours while the country recorded only 14 new cases.

The number of active cases dropped to 1 535 with the majority of recoveries in the Midlands where active cases dropped to 27.

Masvingo which had dropped to zero now has one active case while Mashonaland East has 8 and  Mashonaland Central has 9.

Zimbabwe now has 7 647 cases which include 5 883 recoveries and 224 deaths.

Globally the number of cases has risen to 30.6 million with just over 953 800 deaths.

Spain has now overtaken South Africa and now sits at number 8 in the world.

Argentina is fast catching up with South Africa.

India is averaging about 100 000 new cases a day but is still a long way from the United States which could clock 7 million closes in the next two or three days.



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