More than quarter million Zimbabweans now fully vaccinated

More than quarter million Zimbabweans now fully vaccinated

Zimbabwe today surpassed 250 000 people now fully vaccinated when 12 972 people got their second dose to raise the number of people fully immunised to 252 100.

It has the highest vaccination rate in Southern Africa, followed by Botswana, Eswatini, Namibia, Angola, Malawi, Lesotho, Mozambique, South Africa and Zambia at the bottom, according to the New York Times coronavirus vaccination tracker.

A further 9 740 got their first jab today to bring the number of people vaccinated so far to 615 296.

Two people died today and there were 23 new cases and only 11 recoveries.

The death toll now stands at 1 585. Total cases are now 38 635 and recoveries 36 427.

There are now 623 active cases with 382 in Harare, 72 in Bulawayo and 59 in Matebeleland North.



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