121-CFU said Mnangagwa was biding his time
122-Dell cheered divisions in ZANU-PF
123-Dell said West could “use financial incentives” to buy reform
124-Moyo was disappointed by Mnangagwa’s lack of courage
125-Coltart said Makoni might emerge compromise candidate
126-Mutasa said Mugabe might become president for life
127-Chiredzi South by-election expected to bolster Mnangagwa
128-Mnangagwa admitted he was afraid to speak out on succession
129-Mugabe fears hanging if he leaves office
130-How Mugabe outmanoeuvred Mujuru
131-Masiyiwa listed as one of the possible leaders of Third Way
132-Zvobgo said Mugabe no longer trusted Mnangagwa and Mujuru
133-US ambassador conceded that Jonathan Moyo is a shrewd analyst
134-Mujuru camp sought US help to remove Mugabe
135-Mugabe named Mnangagwa his successor in 2007!
136-Why no one in ZANU-PF is challenging Mugabe
137-No one gave the MDC a chance in 2008
138-Mugabe has dossiers on the illegal activities of his colleagues- Wikileaks
139-Why ZANU-PF changed its mind about Mugabe exit
140-Goche, Chinamasa and Mnangagwa were prepared to ditch Mugabe
Continued next page