Mnangagwa according the Wikileaks cables-Part Five

81-Mnangagwa used state funds to finance succession campaign!

82-US embassy’s assessment of Mugabe’s new ministers

83-ZANU-PF’s disdain for parliament

84-Zimbabwe’s growing list of enemies

85-Mutasa said no to US election observers

86-Mutasa and Mugabe differ with Mnangagwa and Chinamasa on elections

87-Mnangagwa said MDC has a habit of changing its mind at 11th hour

88-Embassy says Mugabe covered up for Mnangagwa!

89-Mujuru told Mnangagwa he would never lead ZANU-PF

90-Mnangagwa Zimbabwe’s Gorbachev!

91-Chinamasa and Jonathan Moyo on their way out because of Tsholotsho?

92-Mnangagwa beat Mujuru in 2004 but Mugabe rejected the results- Wikileaks

93-Rumours say Mnangagwa is linked to Britain’s MI-5

94-MDC tried to lure expelled ZANU-PF politicians ahead of 2005 elections

95-Mavhaire said Mujuru was untouchable

96-Mnangagwa tells his supporters violence does not pay

97-Tsvangirai said Mnangagwa was a spent force

98-Lock-step loyalty key for appointment by Mugabe

99-Waiting for Mugabe to go

100-Embassy wanted Mnangagwa’s three daughters to be added to sanctions list


To be continued tomorrow… 94 more cables to go



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