141-Masamvu said Mugabe would hand over to Mnangagwa in six months
142-MDC was prepared to accept Mnangagwa as Mugabe’s successor
143-Mnangagwa assumed virtual presidency role in runoff
144-Civic leader says Mnangagwa is extraordinarily wealthy
145-Gono asked US ambassador for soft landing- Wikileaks
146-US pushed for military intervention in Zimbabwe in 2008
147-Did MDC and ZANU-PF Karangas plan a pact in 2008?
148-The 14 people the US wanted on the UN sanctions list
149-Mujuru found Tsvangirai more acceptable than Mnangagwa
150-Masiyiwa drafted power sharing agreement which Mugabe accepted!
151-MDC wanted Mnangagwa out totally
152-Tsvangirai said Mugabe would fight Mnangagwa to get honourable exit
153-Mnangagwa and Sekeramayi step in
154-British PM told Tsvangirai no help if Mugabe retained executive power
155-Makoni said Mnangagwa and the military were key to solution
156-Mnangagwa grabbed Mugabe by the lapels over ministry
157-Mzembi said there was no rift between Mugabe and Mnangagwa
158-Military planned coup after signing of GPA!
159-Mnangagwa among those who wanted GPA to collapse
160-Was Manyika in Mnangagwa’s camp?
To be continued tomorrow… 34 more cables to go