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Mliswa calls for amendment of Zimbabwe Constitution to stop recalling of MPs

Independent Member of Parliament Temba Mliswa has called for the amendment of the Zimbabwe constitution to enable the Constitutional Court to have a say when legislators are recalled by their political parties.

The constitution currently says a political party has the right to recall its members if they fall out of line or are expelled.

In a motion tabled in Parliament last week Mliswa said politicians were living in fear because of this clause.

The worst hit party at the moment is the Movement for Democratic Change Alliance which has been devastated  following the resuscitation of the MDC-T  first under Thokozani Khupe and now under Douglas Mwonzora.

More than 120 legislators and councillors have been recalled so far, with 39 legislators and 81 councillors from the MDC –A and six from the People’s Democratic Party, though those from the PDP won their case in court but have not yet returned to the House.

“This is the reason why I believe that political parties are irrelevant in the modern day politics. What we need are people who will be able to represent people for their tenure which the people would have voted for,” Mliswa said.

“Equally, when Section 129(k) is being exercised, the party must not have the final say in the expulsion but the Constitutional Court. The Constitutional Court must be able to hear both sides.”

Mliswa added: “Politicians are in fear every day, mapoliticians arikukwira makomo avasingazive vachinamata kuti mangwana ndinogona kudzingwa.  Vave kutoenda kudzin’anga kuti ndiwane basa iri nekuti mangwana mumwe anongotaura kuti ayihwa.  So it also creates unfair advantages to a lot of people………..

“What am I saying here? There has got to be internal democracy in the political parties.  We talk about democracy a lot, but how much democracy is in the political party is.  Charity begins at home.  By you recalling somebody just because of Section 129(1) (k) it is not democratic enough.

“Have you even consulted the electorate that voted for the person?  Our personal differences – if you look at most people who have been recalled, it is not because they failed to discharge their duties, but it is political personal agendas.  This becomes a weapon which everybody uses, but we see again that while this weapon is being used, we also have a situation where people now hold back.

“I have seen the most brilliant mind in this Parliament being quiet and I have said why are they quiet?  I have seen myself talking not because I am brilliant but because I do not report to anyone, and am not put on a list by anyone.

Continued next page


This post was last modified on May 28, 2021 9:34 am

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Charles Rukuni

The Insider is a political and business bulletin about Zimbabwe, edited by Charles Rukuni. Founded in 1990, it was a printed 12-page subscription only newsletter until 2003 when Zimbabwe's hyper-inflation made it impossible to continue printing.

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